Thursday, March 28, 2024

Two-Way Texting with the Catalog



In my former life as an English teacher the importance of knowing your audience was a bit problematic as realistically regardless of how the assignment was crafted, I was always my students’ ultimate audience. Audience comes to mind with this article because today it is specifically patrons who use smart phones.

A few weeks ago, the IT Department for PLLS announced a new feature for patrons who receive library notifications via text messaging. In the past that the messages simply stated the patron had a hold or library materials were due in three days and directed the patron to log into the library catalog for further information.

These messages are sent automatically from the library catalog which is why limited information was provided and communication was one way. The new feature allows for the communication to become two ways through a very specific list of responses: LIST CHECKOUTS, LIST OVERDUE, LIST DUESOON, LIST HOLDS, LOST ALL HOLDS, RENEW OVERDUE, RENEW DUESOON. The purpose of each message, or command, is fairly self-explanatory. That doesn’t make them easy to remember.

Rather than have patrons frame this article for future reference the HELP message/command will provide a response that lists them and explains each one’s function. There is also a STOP command that will stop future messaging to that number. I wouldn’t recommend use of that command as unlike the political text messages drowning my phone right now, our catalog won’t find a new phone number from which to send holds and due soon notifications.

The abrupt discontinuation of service of the SHARE Anywhere app late last year may have given IT the push to pursue the texting feature. With SHARE Anywhere all that information was available by opening the app. SHARE Anywhere is functional again; however, it will not be updated moving forward. As might be expected, an alternative app whose developer will never pull access to is being developed. The hope is that it will be available by the end of this summer with full functionality by the end of 2024.

Knowing it has a limited life span, we’re not really advocating patrons download the SHARE Anywhere app. Why learn to rely on an app that is guaranteed not to have your back in the long run? If however, you don’t mind and go into the relationship with eyes open and promise not to judge future apps for being different, SHARE Anywhere is available for download through Google Playstore and the App Store.

Reading Now: The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis, People on Privilege Hill by Jane Gardman (Short stories including one about Old Filth's Edward Feathers)

Listening to Now: Trapped by Kevin Hearne (Book 5 of the Iron Druid series)

Friday, March 22, 2024

Great Time for Book Donations



Let me start with an apology. I have not been at Disney this long. Instead, the day I would normally write this I was with my in-laws at the emergency room. It was a long week, but in the end all is well. It does, however, make this long overdue.

Had I written this a week ago, it would be all about how relaxing the trip was and the 4 ½ books I read. They included a newly discovered police procedure by Gytha Lodge. Similar to the Joy Ellis books, this series takes place in England and features a small group of investigators lead by DCI (detective chief inspector) Jonah Sheens. This summer I read a review and purchased A Killer in the Family which turned out to be book #5 in the series. That went to Florida with me and was finished on the beach of our resort.

Once I realized it was an established series, I looked up the author. ETLPL owns the first book in the series as well, She Lies Waiting. Other libraries in Prairie Lakes Library System own the three in between. Number three, Lie Beside Me, arrived in the van delivery just this morning. I would say discovering this author was the highlight of the trip if Emma’s team hadn’t brought home a second place trophy.

I brought home a puzzle featuring the couple from Up. We’re looking for help putting together the picture of them in retirement years after which we can flip the pieces and put together the picture of them as newlyweds.

As this is a week later, this article was designated to be a reminder the library accepts book donations for our Friends of the East Troy Lions Public Library book sale. As of last year, the Friends have an annual large-scale book and bakery sale the Saturday before Memorial Day along with the Village wide yard sales. That is the only time what all the books are on display. That makes spring the most helpful time of year to receive donations as hopefully we won’t have to store them for long.

We accept most books. Text books may be the only exceptions as they don’t tend to be the type of book a browser is interested in. Staff does look through the donations and will occasionally add a few to the library collections. That is how we acquired a second copy of Lessons in Chemistry. Neither copy has spent much time in our library. Thanks to Lisa forethought, we also had two copies of Boys in the Boat before the movie made that a popular read.

I’ll close with a quick plug for some of the other books I ordered right before heading on vacation. Our youngest patrons will be happy to discover a larger collection of Paw Patrol and Bluey books. Pope Francis has a memoir just out this month and we have the first three books in the Iron Druid series by Kevin Hearne, a favorite of mine in the fantasy genre. That said starting with book 4 they are available in my preferred audiobook format through Libby.

Reading Now: The Man in the Wooden Hat by Jane Gardman (sequel to the Adult Book Club read Old Filth), The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis

Listening to Now: Tricked by Kevin Hearne (Book 4 of the Iron Druid series)

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Updating Travel Books aka We need post Covid Disney



Don’t hate me, but if you’re reading this the weekend the newspaper comes out, I’m lounging in Florida. This is probably my last vacation with my daughter and just like the last two, it’s really about her dance team. The biggest difference is that this is a school team, which means her coach is responsible for her. I will see very little of her. Instead, I’ll be hanging out with other senior moms who didn’t want to miss their daughters’ last dance performances any more than I did.

The competition is held at Disney World. Emma performed there with her dance studio in 2018, we took her there on a family vacation in 2015, and we took her older sisters there on a family vacation in 2005. Needless to say, I feel very comfortable about my Disney know-how. Except, Covid. I haven’t been there since and the families are receiving conflicting messages about the continuation of changes such as park reservations. Plus, parks make changes from time to time as well. For my fifth trip as an adult and my first not at the mercy of a child, perhaps I should educate myself before we leave.

To that end, I took a look at our Disney World guidebooks all of which were published pre-2020. Updated ones were promptly ordered and skimmed by me before being added to the To Be Processed shelf. I have reservations for Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant time to eat at Les Halles Boulangerie Patisserie at Epcot. I have my priorities.

Upon my return, we will be holding interviews for the children’s librarian. Questions are ready to go and we have four candidates scheduled. After interviews is the background check and offer. Fingers crossed I’ll be introducing someone new by mid-March.

Only after that will I allow myself to dive into the new books I am itching to read. If you a mystery reading, I may have gushed over the Jackman & Evans series by Joy Ellis I binged this summer. She is an English author without an American publisher so few know her name. I took a chance and purchased the first three books in the series. Now we have all ten and at least ten patrons reading them. I few weeks ago I took another chance on the first three books of her original series with DI Nikki Galena as the main investigator. They went over well, so rather than ask Dodgeville to be the only library in Wisconsin with that series, we now own them all as well.

Reading Now: A Killer in the Family by Gytha Lodge, 1984 by George Orwell, Old Filth by Jane Gardman

Listening to Now: Hexed by Kevin Hearne (Second book in Iron Druid Chronicles)

PS - I'm back so there is no longer a need for jealousy. I finished several books including the title by Gytha Lodge. It turned out to be the sixth book in a series I will be recommending to my Joy Ellis friends. I found the first book in Libby and read half of it while traveling yesterday between the airport, plane and broken down bus.

Library Legislative Day

  2-21-2025 Last week Tuesday, our Facebook followers would have seen a picture of Governor Evers delivering a welcome speech to a room fu...