Next month is Grandparent’s Month for Bedtime Storytime. Mrs.
Jill Douglas has agreed to come out of retirement for the first time and kick
it off on Tuesday, August 6th at 6:30. There is plenty of time to
forget, but I wanted to give patrons the opportunity to put the date on
calendars across East Troy and beyond. We bill Bedtime Storytime as being for
all ages AND including a snack, so former students of all ages are welcome to
take a stroll down memory lane. Perhaps I’ll find her a crown to wear as Royal
Readers did in her classroom.
In the meanwhile, we are gearing up for the Pizza Party on
Monday, July 29th. Tickets must be in the boxes ready for the
drawing before we close Saturday, July 27th. All prizes and boxes
will be moved to the lower level and prepared for the drawing before we open on
As summer winds down, we are turning our attention to
fall/winter programming. Miss Maria intends to continue holding a children’s
book club that will meet monthly. I have a few irons in the fire for adults.
Plans need to be finalized by the end of the month in order to make the Park
& Req Fall Guide. This summer we created a calendar that overviewed June,
July and August programming. It was so convenient when promoting programs to
patrons, that we wrote creating them quarterly into the Strategic Plan. Doing
so also forces us (read me) to be more organized in scheduling programs. We’ll
have copies available in the library and on our website as well.
Last week the Friday, the Friends of ETLPL held a general
meeting. It was their first time sitting in the new furniture they bought for
the Lower Level. The new furniture includes two sofas and two chairs. In
addition, I found couch tables – C shaped tables that slip under furniture so
the table top is right next to the sitter – at Aldi’s and purchased three. All of it was a hit. In the two weeks the
furniture, tables and rug were in place, the library hosted four events that overflowed
onto the original sofa that hasn’t been removed yet. Given the obvious need for
additional seating, they went ahead and approved the purchase of two more
chairs for that area. Thank you Friends.
The focus of the meeting was actually planning for the fall
play fundraiser directed by Mary Nugent. More details will follow in a later
article, but for now mark your calendars for one or all of the following dates:
October 11, 12, 13 and October 18, 19, 20.