Friday, November 29, 2024

Community Calendar



All polar bears are left-handed. That’s the fun fact we’re discussing in the library today courtesy of Jerry Pallotta’s Who Would Win series. Specifically, it was from the Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear section of Ultimate Showdown. Little tidbits like that are enough to keep us going all afternoon with questions and trivia.

We like to be in the know at the library whether it’s considered trivia or not. One area of knowledge we are currently working on is what’s going on in the East Troy area. Goal 1 of our Strategic Plan’s goals is to “Expand communication with area residents and organizations in order to strengthen relationships and promote library services.” One of the activities is to create a community calendar for nonprofit organizations to post their events. A sort of one stop shopping for what’s happening in ET.

The calendar went live just a few weeks ago. So far it is difficult to distinguish it from the ETLPL calendar as, of course, I entered all of our programs first. Next, I reached out to the East Troy Intergenerational Community Center to work out the logistics of a shared calendar. So far only their weekly Tai Chi class is listed as that’s the one I used as a trial reoccurring event. They have promised to add others soon. Village of East Troy Board and Plan Commission meetings are also entered, at least for December.

On the website, all events are blue (no matter how many times and ways I try to add variety, once shared it reverts to one). Clicking on the event opens a bubble with any additional information attached to the event. There are Month, Week, and Agenda tabs which allow for visual opItions. Residents who use a Google calendar are invited to add the calendar to their existing ones that is viewable as part of the larger calendar or as a side bar when Gmail is open. That’s how I view it. It gives me an overview of the day’s events as I work.

I have a list of organizations to invite to participate. They include service organizations such as the East Troy Lions Club and Kiwanis as well as churches for their fundraisers and festivals. Our website lists the participating organizations with links to their websites for additional information. Watch for that list to grow as we partner with more East Troy community organizations.

Reading Now: The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Listening to Now: Dune by Frank Herbert

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